Going through the process of straightening your teeth to attain that perfect smile is what makes having braces so special. You know the end result is going to be amazing! But it does take a little while to get used to having them attached to your teeth. It’s a new sensation. You have metal, elastics, and wires taking up space in your mouth; it doesn’t feel “normal” at first. Here are some tips from your orthodontist to help you prepare for that first week or so, when your braces are brand new.
Ask Questions About Your New Braces
As soon as the procedure to install your braces is complete, ask every single question on your mind before leaving the office. Move your tongue around on the wire to make sure it’s not poking anywhere inside the mouth or on your tongue. Ask Dr. Valderrama about elastics, and any toothbrushing questions that you still have. Also, check your supplies. Make sure you have all the dental wax and other supplies you need for caring for your teeth and braces.
Stick to Soft Foods the First Few Days
If you’re hungry when you leave our office, you can eat something right away. However, you should stick to a diet of strictly soft foods for the first few days. Soup, pasta, soft vegetables, yogurt, and other soft foods should be your new best friends for about three or four days. Any remaining soreness should go away after about three or four days, and then you can start trying some harder foods. And remember: No chewing gum allowed, ever!
Use the Wax!
Until you get used to the brackets attached to your teeth, they can cause irritation as they rub against the soft interior of your mouth. Your mouth will eventually adjust and get tougher. But until that happens, use the wax to cover the brackets and prevent sore spots from getting worse. That’s what it’s for!
Do a Saltwater Mouth Rinse
If your mouth becomes irritated from the braces, start doing a saltwater mouth rinse five or six times daily. Use one teaspoon of regular table salt and stir it into a cup of warm water. It might sting a little bit at first. The saltwater works as a natural pain reliever and helps sores in the mouth to heal faster. The saltwater tastes awful, but trust us – this works.
Take Care of Your Teeth and Braces
Now is the time to establish good oral hygiene habits, which will hopefully stick with you for the entire process of braces. After every meal, brush your teeth. Be sure to get all the bits of food that are stuck to your brackets. In addition to brushing after every meal, remember to floss at least once per day, preferably before going to bed at night.
Teeth May Feel Loose
Braces shift your teeth over time, until they’re all in the proper location to give you that perfect smile. But in order to shift the teeth, they have to loosen. This feeling can be a bit unsettling for people at first. Don’t panic. The sensation is perfectly normal when undergoing treatment with braces, and your teeth are not going to fall out. It just feels weird.
Wear Your Mouthguard if Needed
Many children who get braces also like to play sports in school. It is a good idea to have a professionally fitted sports mouthguard. This will protect your teeth and braces if you take part in any sport where there is a risk of being accidentally struck in the face.
Call Us About Braces Today!
If you are interested in dental braces for yourself or your child, you don’t need a referral to come see us. Contact Us at 321.425.5050 to schedule an appointment and we’ll get the process started.
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