What are TADs?


Over the years, many people with braces have had to wear uncomfortable and often embarrassing headgear. While this headgear performs an important job in moving your teeth by applying extra force, wearing headgear is cumbersome. The good news is that many patients can now use TADs instead of headgear.

TAD is an acronym that stands for Temporary Anchorage Device. These small, screw-like devices work like small anchors that help your braces apply enough force to move your teeth effectively. TADs are not new – they have been around for more than 35 years – but their use has become more common in the past decade or so.

Temporary anchorage devices offer a more attractive and comfortable alternative to those orthodontic appliances with external parts braced by the head, neck or chin, also known collectively as “headgear.” Unlike headgear that sits in front of your face to hold braces in place, TADs work behind the scenes to give you a more attractive smile. Most people will not even realize you are wearing TADs.

How Braces and TADs Work

Braces work by applying force to teeth in ways that make the teeth move to a new position on the jawline. Whenever possible, orthodontists use the patient’s back teeth as an anchor. In some cases, though, the back teeth do not work well enough as anchors to move the other teeth. In these cases, an orthodontist might recommend cumbersome headgear.

Moving teeth to a new location in your jaw is a little bit like moving a stick through deep sand. You apply force to the stick to move it through the sand. As the stick moves, sand moves to the side in front of the stick and fills up the empty space left behind by the stick.

The “sand” in orthodontics would be the bone cells and other cells of the ligament that attaches your teeth to the bone. Applied force from the wires and brackets of braces causes teeth to move, while the tissues move aside and reform behind the moving teeth.

To do its work, though, the force needs a fixed point on which to push. Going back to the stick comparison, imagine trying to move the stick while you float free in water. Instead of causing the stick to move through the sand, the force of pushing against one end of the stick would cause you to float around while the other end of the stick would remain in the same spot. If you plant your feet deep in the sand to use an anchor, however, you have enough force to push the stick through the sand.

About Placing TADs

Orthodontists place TADs directly into the bone between the roots of your teeth. The dental professionals may place the anchors on the lip side of your upper or lower jaw, or position the TADs in your palate. As the name implies, TADs are only temporary – your orthodontist will remove them once your teeth have moved to the desired position.

Everyone’s mouth is a little different. TADs allow orthodontists to place the anchor in the location that works best for each person, depending on the patients’ individual dental needs and cosmetic goals. It is a personalized procedure, so the location of your TADs may be different from someone else’s. The orthodontist will decide on the correct location by evaluating the amount of force required to move the teeth and determine the direction, or vector, the teeth should move.

You might be pleasantly surprised to learn that this procedure requires only a small amount of local anesthesia. Placing and removing TADS is a pain-free, minimally invasive procedure. Your orthodontist will numb the area, so you will feel only gentle pressure as the TADs device is inserted. The entire process usually takes just minutes to complete.

TADs require very little maintenance, so they are easy to take care of. To keep your TADs clean, just brush your teeth as normal.

Patients like TADs because they are comfortable and nearly invisible but orthodontists like temporary anchorage devices because TADs produce predictable results, even in the most serious or difficult orthodontic cases. TADs allow teeth to move more efficiently and comfortably

To learn more about TADs, talk with your Melbourne orthodontist, Dr. Valderrama. Call today to schedule a free consultation! 321-425-5050.

Everything You Should Know About Expanders


Seeking orthodontic treatment for your child at an early age has one major benefit – expanders can be used to easily correct crossbites, overcrowding of the teeth, and shifting teeth.

Expanders, which are a specific type of orthodontic appliance, can play a huge role in helping to improve your child’s smile and oral health. Since expanders are commonly used in childhood and teen orthodontics, parents are encouraged to learn as much as possible about them.

To help parents get the information they need about the possible orthodontic treatment that may be recommended for their child, Valderrama Orthodontics has created a comprehensive guide that discusses what expanders are, why they are needed, and what to expect when your child has one.

What is an Expander?

A palatal expander, or jaw expander as it is called, is an orthodontic device that works over a period of time to slowly make room in the mouth to allow teeth to grow in properly. An expander can be used to expand the natural arch of the teeth, shift the teeth’s position, fix overcrowding of the teeth, or correct a crossbite.

While the general function of an expander is the same whether it is placed on the upper or lower jaw, there is a difference in how they work. An expander that is placed in the upper jaw works to shift and stretch the cartilage and bone of the palate. This shifting and stretching expands the arch of the mouth which gives orthodontist room to correct overcrowding and crossbites.

The lower jaw expander works differently. Instead of being focused on shifting and moving the bones and cartilage, it focuses on only moving the teeth. The ultimate goal is to shift teeth so they are standing straighter and aren’t tipping inwards or shifting on top of each other.

What Does an Expander Look Like?

An expander looks like a metallic bulky device. It is made out of metal. The metal is attached to the molars in the back of the mouth with a pair of circular rings. Screws are attached to the metal rings. In the middle of the device is a small metallic lock. Over the course of your treatment, you will take a small key, put it into the lock, and turn it. This activates the springs and pushes a subtle amount of force onto the bones and cartilage. The force is what is needed to expand jaw and move the teeth.

Who is a Good Candidate for the Use of Expanders?

Teens between the ages of 12 and 16 are often the best candidate for the use of expanders during orthodontic treatment. Teens are good candidates because their bones and cartilage have not fully formed. This allows the expander to easily shift and move the bones and cartilage as it goes with the natural growth of a teen’s body.

Expanders are not usually used with adult patients. Usually, an orthodontist will try other expansion methods such as tooth extraction or surgery to expand an adult patient’s arch or correct a crossbite. However, some adult orthodontic patients have had success with expanders.

What to Expect When Wearing an Expander

If your orthodontist recommends an expander, you should prepare to experience the following things:

  • Subtle changes in your speech. The expander is bulkier and it may take several weeks to get used to talking with it in your mouth.
  • Pain and slight discomfort will be felt for the first few days after the expander has been placed in the mouth
  • Eat soft foods, such as pudding or yogurt, for the first few days
  • Avoid super sticky or jelly-like foods as they can get stuck in the screws of the expander
  • Pain may occur behind the nose, in the temples, or around the eyes after the daily activation of the expansion screws. The pain usually goes away after a few minutes.
  • Extra saliva may be created in the first few weeks after the installation of the expander
  • Keep to the schedule your orthodontist created. The schedule will outline how often you need to activate the expansion screws and how many times you will need to turn the key.

If you have any questions about expanders or want to see if you or your child may need it as part of your orthodontic treatment, contact Valderrama Orthodontics to schedule a consultation. Our orthodontist will be able to answer any questions you may have or talk about a treatment plan, that may or may not include expanders, that will get you the smile you have always wanted.

Children’s Dental Health Month

childrens dental health month

National Children’s Dental Health Month might not appear on your calendar, but it is a very important awareness campaign that has benefits for everyone. Everyone from caregivers and children to teachers, teens and even adults without children can benefit from the information presented throughout Children’s Dental Health Month.

What Exactly is National Children’s Dental Health Month?

National Children’s Dental Health Month is a month-long campaign dedicated to helping spread the word on the importance of developing good oral hygiene habits in children. It was created by American Dental Association, or ADA, and Crest + Oral B.

Dental professionals, educators, caregivers, and healthcare providers throughout the United States are invited to take part in National Children’s Dental Health Month. Those that wish to take part make a commitment to help educate and inform parents, children, caregivers, and the community about how important it is to establish good oral hygiene habits in children.

Some of the ways dental professionals, caregivers, and healthcare professionals can raise awareness for the benefits of good oral health in children include:

  • Running promotions to encourage new patients to visit their dentist
  • Offering open houses that help familiarize children with the dentist
  • Running an educational campaign that provides important oral health tips for parents and caregivers of young children
  • Hosting free events that revolve around the dental industry
  • Placing ads in local newspapers to promote the importance of establishing good oral health in children

The Theme for the 2018 National Children’s Dental Health Month

Every year the organizers of National Children’s Dental Health Month pick a theme for their campaign. The theme for the 2018 National Children’s Dental Health Month, which starts in February, is brushing with fluoride toothpaste and encouraging flossing.

Tips for Kids Oral Care for Parents and Caregivers of Children

To get a jumpstart on National Children’s Dental Health Month, the staff at Valderrama Orthodontics wishes to provide you with some kids oral care tips. Caregivers and parents of children can use these tips to help work to establish good habits and practices that lead to good oral health.

Some kids oral care tips include:

  • Don’t wait for teeth to grow in to start brushing. If your child doesn’t have any teeth, use a gentle towel or piece of gauze and wipe down the gums. This will remove any bacteria or sugar that could lead to dental problems in the future.
  • Use a child’s size toothbrush when a tooth appears. Make sure to brush at least two times a day for two minutes and use a pea sized amount of non-fluoride toothpaste.
  • Switch to fluoride toothpaste once your child is able to properly brush their teeth and will not swallow the toothpaste. Until you are sure they won’t accidentally swallow the toothpaste while brushing, it is best to use non-fluoride toothpaste. Children are often ready for fluoride toothpaste between the ages of 2 and 4.
  • Start flossing when your child develops multiple teeth that are close together. If the teeth are touching, there is enough room that food particles, bacteria and plaque can build up. Gently flossing between the teeth will remove these things and improve your child’s oral health.
  • Help your child with brushing and flossing until they are approximately 7. Children don’t have the motor skills or strength to properly brush and floss until they are 7. Caregivers and parents should make sure they help their children brush and floss in an effort to keep their teeth and gums healthy.
  • Stick to a routine. Children do best when they have stick to a schedule. Try to brush and floss at the same time every day. This will get your children in the habit of doing these things on a regular basis. That habit will carry with them throughout their entire life.
  • Schedule an appointment with your dentist for a routine checkup and professional cleaning. Children should see their dentist approximately twice a year.
  • Schedule an appointment with an orthodontic specialist before the age of 7. Some children could benefit from undergoing early orthodontic treatment.

Parents and caregivers located in the Melbourne, Florida area can schedule a consultation with Valderrama Orthodontics to discuss the need for early orthodontic treatment. Call our office today to schedule an appointment.

Why You Need to Wear Your Rubber Bands

wear your rubber bands

Undergoing orthodontic treatment will change the way you view rubber bands. No longer are these stretchy elastic bands used to hold piles of paper. Instead, they become valuable orthodontic tools that will help you get that perfect smile you have always wanted.

Why are Rubber Bands Needed During Orthodontic Treatment?

In order to get that perfect smile, your teeth will need to shift, rotate, and move into a new position. While brackets and archwire, two types of orthodontic tools, help guide your teeth into their proper position, they don’t provide the force needed to actually correct your bite. That is where the rubber bands come in.

The rubber bands that are applied to the sides of your braces are called interarch rubber bands. They hook up to the brackets on the upper and lower teeth. When they are finally hooked up, they provide just enough force to reposition your jaw and subtly move the teeth in your mouth. Over time, this slight movement of the jaw and teeth will make sure everything lines up properly so you have that perfect smile.

Interarch rubber bands aren’t the only type of rubber bands used during orthodontic treatment. Another type of rubber band, called ligatures, is used by orthodontists. Ligatures are very tiny rubber bands that wrap around the brackets and hold the archwire in place. The ligatures are often people’s favorite part about wearing braces because they come in a variety of colors which allows people to personalize their braces.

How Long Do You Have to Wear Rubber Bands?

The length of time that you have to wear rubber bands will depend upon your individual treatment plan created by your orthodontist. Some people will need to wear interarch rubber bands 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the entire time they have braces while others may only need to wear them at night or for several hours throughout the day.

The amount of time your orthodontist will recommend you have to wear your interarch rubber bands will depend on the model of your teeth, how much movement needs to be done to your teeth and jaw, and what your goals are for treatment. Your Melbourne, Florida Orthodontist, Dr. Valderrama will be able to give you a general time frame for how long you will wear interarch rubber bands during your consultation.

The ligature rubber bands will need to be worn the entire duration of treatment. Without these bands, the archwire will not be able to be held in place and your teeth will not be moved into their proper positions.

What to Expect When Wearing Rubber Bands with Your Braces

Wearing rubber bands during your course of orthodontic treatment isn’t as bad as it sounds. In fact, after a week or so you won’t even notice that you are wearing rubber bands.

Many patients find understanding what to expect when they wear rubber bands with their braces to be helpful in preparing them for their orthodontic treatment. The following are some common things people can expect to happen when they wear rubber bands with their braces:

  • Interarch rubber bands will need to be removed during meals. This will prevent food from getting stuck in the rubber bands.
  • Interarch rubber bands will need to be removed when brushing or cleaning your teeth. If the rubber bands were to stay in place while you cleaned your teeth, there would be a number of areas that are missed.
  • Interarch rubber bands tend to be replaced on a daily basis. This is because they wear down quickly. Replacing them helps keep the proper amount of force on the teeth and jaw.
  • Ligature rubber bands are often changed out during every orthodontic adjustment appointment
  • Ligature rubber bands come in a variety of colors ranging from bright neon colors to clear and neutral tones.

If you have any questions about wearing rubber bands during your orthodontic treatment, feel free to call Valderrama Orthodontics. Our friendly office staff will gladly answer any questions you may have about why rubber bands are needed, how to care for your rubber bands, or any other questions you may have about wearing braces.


Your Teeth’s Worst Enemy

your teeths worst enemy

It’s common knowledge that excess sugar can cause tooth decay. However, most people don’t know much about the tooth decay process and how it actually works. It’s technically not the sugar that directly causes the tooth decay, but instead the body’s reaction to the sugar. Here’s what you should know about sugar — and why it’s your teeth’s worst enemy.

The Way That Cavities Grow

Your mouth contains tons of naturally occurring bacteria — and many of these bacteria are good for you! However, the harmful bacteria — which are bad enough on their own — happen to love sugar. After consuming sugar, the bad bacteria get even worse by producing damaging acids that attack your tooth enamel. Those acids cause bacterial infections that create a hole in the teeth — more commonly known as a cavity. When cavities aren’t treated, they can move through the enamel and into the middle of the tooth. This can cause so much damage that tooth extraction may eventually be necessary.

How Your Teeth Defend Themselves From Sugar

While damaging acids are always trying to attack and cause cavities in your teeth, the good news is that your teeth are able to defend themselves — at least to some degree. While the acids pull valuable minerals from your tooth enamel, your body has a natural re-mineralization process to combat it.

Your saliva has all the minerals that are crucial to re-mineralization, so your body’s always attempting to fight off the effects of sugar through your saliva. Another way to combat the damaging acids is fluoride. It combines with the saliva to keep your teeth as healthy and acid-free as possible. However, even with your saliva’s beneficial properties and the help of a quality fluoride toothpaste, sugar can still be damaging for your teeth.

How Can You Minimize the Effects of Sugar on Your Teeth?

The best way to minimize the effects of sugar on your teeth is to minimize the sugar itself. This doesn’t mean that you have to avoid sugar completely — but you do have to be smart about your intake. If you’re a parent, you’ve got the chance to teach your kids how sugar can impact healthy teeth. Teach your kids that occasional treats are fine — but that nobody needs a diet that includes lots of sugar on a daily basis.

In some cases, young children may benefit from a fluoride treatment that coats the teeth. The back teeth, for example the molars, are especially easily damaged by sugar since it’s less likely that kids do a proper brushing and flossing job on those harder to reach teeth. Therefore, fluoride treatments can be particularly useful for the back teeth in young patients.

Before You Have Any Type of Orthodontic Treatment

Before you have any type of orthodontic treatment, it’s very important that your teeth are as healthy as possible. This means minimizing sugar, taking care of any current tooth decay, and practicing good oral hygiene every day.

Any orthodontic treatment will involve metal or plastic on or close to the teeth, and this can make it even easier for sugar to get trapped and cause serious damage. For this reason, it’s very important that you discuss proper care of your braces, aligners, retainer, or other orthodontic device with Dr. Valderrama. As long as you practice good oral hygiene, you’ll be able to get the most from your orthodontic treatment.

Need an Experienced Orthodontist in Melbourne?

Valderrama Orthodontics is a highly respected local orthodontic practice serving patients in the Melbourne, Florida area. We offer care for patients from early childhood through geriatric years. At Valderrama Orthodontics, we want you to feel like a valued part of our family. We offer support for moms, dads, kids, and every member of the family — we even have an After School Program to make it easier to get your kids to the dentist!

Dr. Valderrama and the entire Valderrama Orthodontics team are happy to be your Melbourne orthodontist. Please call us anytime at (321)544-4127 to arrange an appointment!

Start Off 2018 with New Braces

With the new year just starting, now is the time to think about improving your smile with the help of orthodontic treatment. A straighter, whiter smile can instantly boost your confidence, increase your self-esteem, and improve your overall oral health. Valderrama Orthodontics offers a wide variety of orthodontic treatment options that can help teens, young adults, and adults get a perfect smile.

Deciding which orthodontic treatment you will use is a personal decision. Every person is different and the treatment that works for one individual might not be the best for another. In an effort to help you on your quest to improving your smile, we will take a closer look at some of the orthodontic treatment options that are available to you.

Durable, Inexpensive Orthodontic Treatment Options for Teens and Adults

Traditional braces are the first thing that comes to mind when people think about orthodontic treatment. This is the orthodontic treatment that includes brackets, wires, and even rubber bands. While this treatment option is noticeable, it is often the preferred choice for people on a budget or those who have a severe orthodontic case with overcrowding and spaces.

Teenagers and those with an active lifestyle often prefer to use traditional braces. They prefer traditional braces because the brackets and wires are durable. If the wires and brackets do break, they are extremely easy to replace.

An Invisible Option to Traditional Braces

Many individuals don’t want to go with traditional braces because they have to wear unsightly wires and brackets for a number of years. Invisible braces allow people to get the benefit of traditional braces without having to wear the unsightly brackets and wires.

Clear braces still have brackets and wires, but they are made of durable, clear material. People will not notice you are wearing braces unless they get up close to you.

Clear braces have all the same benefits of traditional braces. They can fix complicated orthodontic cases, the orthodontist has complete control of your treatment, and the brackets or wires are extremely durable.

Orthodontic Treatment Option for the Busy Professional or Adults

Adults are often worried that they will have to go around with a ‘metal mouth’ if they want a straighter smile. Lingual braces offer a solution for these individuals.

Lingual braces are uniquely designed to be places on the backs of the teeth. This means no one will be able to see the wires or brackets. This inconspicuous treatment option is great for business professionals, people who are getting married, or anyone who doesn’t want their outward appearance impacted by their orthodontic treatment.

The Most Discreet Orthodontic Treatment Option

Invisalign, or clear plastic aligners, are the best orthodontic treatment option for anyone who wants to straighten their teeth without compromising their outward appearance. The clear aligners are placed over the teeth and gently shift or move the teeth until they appear straighter.

People often choose Invisalign because it is discreet, causes less irritation, faster, and has fewer eating restrictions. Invisalign is also preferred because you can easily brush and floss your teeth with little or no problem. People who want to maintain their overall oral health will often choose Invisalign so they don’t have to go through the struggle of having to brush or floss between stiff wires and uncomfortable brackets.

Invisalign tends to be more expensive than other orthodontic treatment options. This is because a series of custom-made aligners need to be made, which can increase the cost of treatment.

Start the Year Off on the Right Foot by Scheduling a Consultation for Your New Smile

Consider starting the new year off right by scheduling a complimentary consultation at Valderrama Orthodontics to discuss getting new braces. We specialize in creating perfect smiles that will increase your self-confidence and boost your self-esteem. Some of the treatment options we offer to help our patients get that perfect smile include traditional braces, lingual braces, clear braces, and clear aligners.

When you schedule a consultation with Dr. Valderrama, you will get personalized recommendations for orthodontic treatment options that will get you the smile you have always wanted. During the consultation, we will take diagnostic x-rays, conduct a complete examination, and create a customized treatment plan for you. Call us today to schedule a complimentary consultation.


Proper Care For Mouth Guards

Directly after receiving their mouth guards, the majority of athletes take good care of them; however, as time passes, they become less diligent about keeping them clean. Typically, this occurs due to busy routines and tight schedules. Nevertheless, proper cleaning is essential to decrease the likelihood of introducing bacteria into the mouth.

Mouth Guards Protect the Teeth

At Valderrama Orthodontics, we create custom-designed mouth guards to be worn while participating in sports. These guards protect the teeth during gameplay: Thus, eliminating concerns related to the injuring, fracturing or breaking of teeth.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Caring for a Mouth Guard

A mouth guard will last a lot longer if your child takes the time to properly care for it.

The Do’s:

Clean the Mouth Guard

Unfortunately, a mouth guard is the perfect living environment for microorganisms. The moist, dark conditions within the mouth guard’s case allow bacteria and mold to thrive. The germs found in these guards can cause staph infections and strep: Both of which can lead to benching the entire team.

Tips for cleaning guards:

  • Washing mouth guards directly following removal helps decrease bacteria buildup; however, if your child is unable to wash it immediately, at least ask him or her to rinse it off before returning it to its case. Then, wash it and the case, as soon as possible.
  • Water alone will not effectively clean the guard; therefore, your child should use soap and water or some other non-alcohol based cleaner (e.g., Fresh Guard) to clean the mouth guard. Once washing is complete, rinse it with warm water.
  • Now, use toothpaste and a toothbrush (designated for the guard) to move the toothpaste into the crevices where the teeth sit.
  • In addition, the mouth guard can be placed in mouthwash for 10 minutes or overnight.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

The fewer germs on your child’s teeth when he or she applies the mouth guard, the better. While brushing the teeth at least twice a day (typically morning and night) is recommended, athletes should also brush before and after wearing their guards.

Store the Guard in Its Case

From sweaty socks to cleats and jerseys, numerous dirty items are carried around in a gym bag. Your child can keep his or her mouth guard safer and cleaner by making sure it remains in its firm, perforated case.

Keep the Mouth Guard Away from Heat Sources

The tailored shape of a guard may change if it is left in the heat too long. Therefore, your child should avoid leaving it in the car, near a radiator or in direct sunlight.

Replace the Guard as Needed

With use, a mouth guard will start wearing down. You or your child need to examine his or her guard after each use. If breakage, cracks, rough spots and/or holes are evident, replacement is necessary. This ensures that during gameplay their teeth receive the most protection possible. Furthermore, if the guard has not already been replaced, once a season comes to an end, Dr. Natalia Valderrama recommends that her patients replace their mouth guards.

The Don’ts:

Avoid Chewing on the Mouth Guard

Approximately 50 percent of teens experience at least one dental injury prior to graduating from high school. If your child is able to chew on his or her guard, chances are it is not secure enough to protect the teeth: Therefore, it is time to make an appointment with Dr. V.

Never Trim the Guard

Trimming the mouth guard may put your child’s teeth at risk for injury. Furthermore, if the guard is under warranty, trimming it on your own makes that warranty void.

Do Not Store the Mouth Guard in Anything Except Its Case

Using a plastic bag or a dish with a lid to store a guard inhibits its ability to dry out properly, which can lead to an accumulation of bacteria, mold and yeast. Therefore, your child should only store his or her mouth guard in its case: These cases are ventilated, which allows it to dry out.

If your child participates in sports, his or her teeth are at risk. Contact Valderrama Orthodontics today at 321-544-4127 to find out more about the custom-designed mouth guards we offer. Dr. Natalia Valderrama is dedicated to providing her patients, in and around Melbourne, Florida, with convenience, a comfortable environment, compassionate dental professionals and the high-quality orthodontic care they deserve. We look forward to welcoming you to the Valderrama family and meeting all your orthodontic needs.

Adult Braces: Are They for You?

Adult Braces

If you are an adult with misaligned teeth, you may be wondering whether or not adult braces are right for you. After all, braces are really just for kids, right?

Actually, there are over a million adult orthodontic patients in the United States and Canada. Nowadays, more adults are seeking orthodontic corrections than ever before. Wearing braces is no longer age-specific. Grown ups are regularly choosing braces to correct bite problems, align crooked teeth, and improve their overall appearance.

In the past, an adult orthodontic patient may have had few treatment options from which to choose. However, adult patients now have multiple options for straightening their teeth. Many of these applications are inconspicuous, so they are difficult to notice once they are in place. Here is a bit of information to help you decide whether or not adult braces are right for you.

Why Do Adults Get Braces?

Most adult orthodontic patients want braces to improve their appearance. Your teeth play a significant role in the way that you look. In fact, an observer can often guess a person’s age range, gender, and sometimes even the socioeconomic status by looking at the individual’s teeth. In addition, the way that you perceive your teeth can have a large impact on your self-esteem and confidence.

Still, there are additional reasons for wanting braces. Here are a few of them:

Speech Problems

A person’s bite can affect his or her ability to speak clearly. When the teeth are misaligned, it can be difficult to pronounce certain consonant sounds. Consequently, some adult patients want braces to ensure that their speech is well understood. Being able to clearly communicate can impact a person’s ability to be successful in the workforce, especially if an occupation involves a large amount of talking.

Jaw Pain

When the jaws are not properly aligned, the adult patient may experience constant discomfort. The pain may be exacerbated as he or she chews or speaks.

In addition, the jaw discomfort while eating may result in gastrointestinal issues. Often, a person who experiences pain while chewing fails to masticate the food thoroughly. As a result, the food is not broken down sufficiently for easy digestion.

Braces can be used to correct the dental misalignment and adjust the bite. After the alignment of the jaws is corrected, the pain usually subsides.

Tooth Decay

A person may suffer from tooth decay more easily if the teeth are crowded or misaligned. Crowded teeth can make it difficult to floss correctly. In addition, some areas of the teeth may simply be inaccessible to a toothbrush. Nevertheless, all areas of the teeth are still subject to tooth decay.

Once teeth are properly aligned, they become easier to clean. Thus, people who regularly incur cavities may notice that their teeth remain healthier after an orthodontic correction.

What Options Are Available for Adult Orthodontic Patients?

Adult patients can choose traditional braces if they prefer. However, there are discrete alternatives, such as clear braces, lingual braces, and clear plastic aligners.

Clear Braces

Clear braces are made with transparent ceramic brackets. Since the brackets are basically colorless, clear braces are much more difficult to discern in the mouth than their traditional metal counterparts.

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces have metal brackets that are placed on the side of the teeth that lies closest to your tongue. Thus, the braces are not visible to a casual observer. Instead, the front of your teeth remains unobstructed while the braces are in place. The placement of lingual braces also makes them a great option for people who play contact sports in which inadvertent blows to the mouth may occur.

Clear Plastic Aligners

Clear plastic liners are transparent mouth trays that apply pressure to move the teeth into proper position. Because the aligners are transparent, they are practically invisible when worn. This option is sometimes preferred by adult patients because the aligners are removable. This means that you can clean your teeth or eat a meal without having to adjust to the bulk of an orthodontic appliance.

If you are considering adult braces, contact our Melbourne, FL office to schedule an appointment. Dr. Valderrama will gladly help you determine the best option to meet your needs.

When Should You Consider Braces?

Have you ever thought about getting braces, but are unsure if you needed them? We will take a look at some of the reasons why teens and adults consider getting braces.

Braces Fix Crooked, Overlapping, and Crowded Teeth

In an ideal world, your teeth would grow and develop in your mouth in a straight, slightly arched line. All the teeth would be neatly placed next to each other and not overlap, slant to the side, or push against each other. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen.

Many people develop crooked, overlapping, or crowded teeth. This can be caused by a number of things ranging from improper jaw development or growth and losing baby teeth too early to injury to the surrounding teeth or improper dental care. Dental braces are designed to slowly shift misaligned teeth and place them into proper positions within the mouth.

Correction of Malocclusion or a “Bad Bite”

Malocclusion occurs when there is a considerable difference between the upper and lower jaw. The difference could be that the upper jaw is larger than the lower jaw which creates an overlap. When this happens it is called an overbite. If the lower jaw is bigger than the upper jaw, it creates a protrusion of the lower jaw. This is called an underbite.

Braces can be used to help shift your jaw back into proper alignment. With the help of springs, coils, and rubber bands, the braces will slowly and subtly shift your jawline back into its proper place. This does not happen overnight and can take anywhere from six month to several years.

Are Braces Always Used to Fix Dental Problems?

Most of the time people get braces to correct dental problems, such as overcrowding or overlapping, which can cause tooth decay due to the difficulty people have keeping the teeth clean. Also, there are cases where people have spaces, and braces can help close those spaces where food gets trapped.

Sometimes people believe that braces aren’t always used to correct dental problems. They believe braces are used for cosmetic purposes. However, this belief is incorrect. The primary purpose of Orthodontics is always the correction of dental malocclusions and the added benefit to this purpose (secondary result) is a nice cosmetically appealing smile in most cases. Occasionally, even after braces, teeth that are stained or too small need extra help from the general dentist to look better.

However, braces aren’t always used to correct dental problems. They can be used for cosmetic purposes as well.

Some individuals may not experience overcrowding, crooked teeth, or overlapping, but they still are not happy with their smile. Dental braces can help these individuals achieve the smile they have always wanted by slowly and subtly shifting teeth to make them look a certain way.

When Should You Start Considering Getting Braces

It is recommended that children should start considering braces around the age of seven years old. While most orthodontists won’t place braces on teeth at this age, they will conduct an oral examination that could help determine if braces will be needed in the future.

The ideal time to have braces placed is when you really need them, it can vary between the ages of 6 all the way to 14. This is an ideal time because your teeth, head, and jaw are still growing. Since they are still growing, it makes it easier for the braces to shift and move your teeth and jaw into proper alignment.

If you didn’t have braces when you were 14 that doesn’t mean you can’t have braces. Braces can be placed on your teeth at any time regardless of your age. However, the older you are, the longer you may have to wear braces as your growing has been completed and shifting the jawline and teeth may take longer.

What Options are Available for People Who are Considering Braces?

Once you have decided you will get braces, you will have to choose which braces you will want to get. Dr. Natalia Valderrama can provide recommendations for which type of braces will help you get the results you want.

Some options you may have for braces include:

  • Metal or clear brackets – this is where tiny little brackets are bonded onto the front of your teeth. The brackets are connected with a wire and adjusted every so often to help encourage your teeth to move.
  • Lingual braces – Similar to metal or plastic brackets, but instead of the brackets being placed on the front of the teeth, they are placed on the back of the teeth
  • Invisalign – A series of customized clear plastic trays that are worn for a period of time. The trays are designed to encourage your teeth to shift into proper place.

If you are considering getting braces, make an appointment with Valderrama Orthodontics in Melbourne, Florida. We will gladly help you determine if braces are necessary and help you explore your options.

Tips for Retainer Care

Your retainer is an essential component of teeth straightening and overall improvement of your smile. While taking care of your retainer may seem pretty straightforward, there are some important retainer care tips that you may be unaware of. You can make certain that your retainers lasts as long as possible by taking the best possible care of it. With the following retainer care tips, you can help achieve a beautiful and healthy smile for the rest of your life.

Always Remove Your Retainer Prior to Eating

It’s very important to remove your retainer prior to eating. If you wear a retainer while eating, it becomes all too easy for food particles to get trapped and for bacteria to take hold in the gums and around the teeth. By simply removing the retainer while you eat, you can keep both the retainer and your teeth clean. It’s also much easier to chew properly when you’re not wearing a retainer.

If you don’t have time to perform a full retainer cleaning before you re-insert it after eating, that’s okay. Just take a moment to rinse the retainer under lukewarm or cool water before placing it back in your mouth, and don’t forget to do a daily cleaning later.

It’s usually just fine to drink with your retainer in, but beware of very hot or very cold beverages as they can damage the plastic part of the retainer. If you need to drink ultra hot tea or frozen drinks, remove your retainer beforehand to be on the safe side.

Store the Retainer Properly Each Time You Remove It

It’s important that you store the retainer properly each and every time that you remove it from your mouth. Sometimes it may be tempting to simply place the retainer in a napkin or on a tissue — but this makes it far too easy for the retainer to be accidentally tossed into the trash. Use your retainer case all the time and you’ll keep the retainer protected from accidental disposal and keep it clean at the same time.

Cleaning Your Retainer

Just as it’s essential that you clean your teeth properly each day, your retainer needs to be carefully cleaned as well. Your retainer is constantly in direct contact with your teeth and the soft tissues in your mouth, which means that a dirty retainer can quickly spread bacteria around your mouth. Always remove your retainer first and then clean your teeth and retainer separately.

There are two main ways to clean a retainer properly: brushing with a toothbrush and toothpaste or soaking in a baking soda solution. Denture cleaning tablets can also be added to a glass of water for cleaning retainers if desired. Never use very hot or boiling water when cleaning your retainer, as it can damage the plastic and change the shape of the retainer as a whole. There are also cleaning products made especially for retainers.

Don’t Leave Retainers Outside

When you remove your retainer and place it in its case, keep it with you. If you leave your retainer in your car — especially during the middle of the summer or winter — it may be virtually destroyed by the time you try to use it again. Freezing weather can crack the plastic part of the retainer, while hot and humid weather can easily melt and warp the plastic.

Need a Retainer or Help With Your Current Retainer?

Valderrama Orthodontics is a well established orthodontic practice serving patients in the Melbourne, Florida area. They offer pediatric, teen, and adult orthodontics. Their services include retainers, early treatment, traditional braces, clear braces, lingual braces, clear aligners, and sports mouth guards.

Valderrama Orthodontics is very much dedicated to making all patients feel like they are a part of the Valderrama family. They even offer a unique After School Program in which a member of the team will actually pick your child up from school to bring them in for their orthodontic care. You can then meet your child at the office before, during, or after their appointment.

Call Valderrama Orthodontics anytime to discuss retainers or any other orthodontic issues.