Avoiding Discoloration After Braces are Removed

After months of wearing braces, it’s so exciting to finally get them taken off. You’ve gone through multiple dental appointments, adjustments, and more to enjoy seeing a straighter, more beautiful smile. However, some people end up with tooth discoloration after their braces are removed, which can be frustrating after putting all that time into improving your smile. The good news is that you can take measures to prevent discoloration so you end up with the gorgeous, healthy smile that you want.

What Causes Discoloration When Wearing Braces?

Why do teeth sometimes become stained and discolored when you’re wearing braces? This can happen for many different reasons. Some people don’t deal with discoloration at all. Since traditional braces come with wires and brackets, they have the ability to easily trap food. This can result in bacteria buildup, causing the formation of plaque. The braces don’t actually cause the stains, but it’s the plaque that forms in areas you can’t easily reach while wearing braces that can result in discoloration.

When you’re wearing braces, it’s often tough to remove all the plaque from teeth. This plaque makes acids that can leach away the minerals from tooth enamel. The demineralization of tooth enamel changes the way light is reflected from the surface of your teeth. This results in the formation of white spots in those areas where you’ve been unable to remove plaque. Unfortunately, when plaque builds up on your teeth, you’re also at a greater risk for gum disease and tooth decay while you’re wearing braces.

Tips for Preventing Staining and Discoloration

It’s always important to practice good oral hygiene, but it’s even more important when wearing braces and it’s often a lot more difficult while wearing braces, too. You and your orthodontist can work together to take measures to prevent staining and discoloration so you’re happy with your smile when the braces come off. Here’s a look at some helpful tips to use while wearing braces to avoid problems with discoloration.

  • Tip #1 – Brush and Floss After Each Meal – Usually you’re urged to brush twice a day, but it’s a good idea to brush and floss after each meal when you’re wearing braces. Regular brushing and flossing can help prevent the buildup of plaque between brackets and your teeth, which is where plaque often begins to form. Each time you brush, make sure you’re brushing for a minimum of two minutes to eliminate all the plaque. Just make sure you wait about 30 minutes after meals before brushing to avoid damaging tooth enamel.
  • Tip #2 – Eliminate Some Drinks and Foods from Your Diet – It’s a good idea to eliminate some drinks and foods from your diet, such as those high in starches or sugars. Stay away from high acid and high sugar sodas and fruit drinks as well, since they can feed bacteria and damage teeth, particularly while you’re wearing braces.
  • Tip #3 – Don’t Skip Regular Dental Cleanings – Don’t skip regular dental cleanings while you’re wearing braces. In fact, your orthodontists may want you to have cleanings every three months instead of every six months while you have braces on your teeth.
  • Tip #4 – Extra Fluoride May Help – An in-office fluoride varnish may be used to help protect your teeth and prevent discoloration. It can be used before braces are applied and then reapplied as you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment. A fluoride rinse may also be used after you brush your teeth to help keep your teeth strong and healthy.
  • Tip #5 – Ask Your Orthodontist About Sealants – Some orthodontists use special fluoride containing sealants to cover your enamel before applying braces. This can help prevent white spots and discoloration.
  • Tip #6 – Consider Using Special Tools – Special tools like an electric toothbrush and a water flosser can help you get teeth cleaner while you’re wearing braces. Certain companies make special toothbrush heads specifically designed for people who wear braces to improve your ability to remove plaque. Water flossers also help remove debris and plaque below your gumline and between your teeth in areas where it’s tough to reach with traditional flossing and brushing.

Preventing discoloration is the best way to make sure you love your smile when your braces come off. However, if you do have a bit of discoloration, your dentist can help. You’ll need to wait at least six months after braces come off to have whitening treatments, but after this time you can discuss in-office whitening with your dentist to decide if it’s a good option for you.






Feel Confident With Clear Braces

If you are planning to get braces, clear braces may be your best option. Not only do they straighten the teeth as effectively as their all-metal counterparts, but they are much more discreet. In fact, when you wear clear braces, people may not even realize that you are wearing braces at all.

What are clear braces?

Clear braces are braces that have ceramic brackets. The brackets of traditional braces are made of metal.

The ceramic used for clear braces can be white or translucent. As a result, clear braces are difficult to discern from your natural tooth material. This means that you can have your dental alignment corrected without feeling self-conscious.

If you are uncomfortable with the thought of metal brackets covering your teeth, you are not alone.  Many people just don’t feel as confident when their appearance is dramatically altered. You may not be comfortable smiling, laughing or even talking while wearing traditional metal braces. This lack of confidence can impair your ability to act naturally in social situations. For adults who regularly interact in business settings or for teens who may already feel awkward due to the developmental changes they are undergoing, this can be particularly problematic.

Like the brackets of metal braces, the brackets of clear braces can still be connected to an archwire using elastic bands. The archwire is adjusted periodically to apply consistent alignment pressure to properly position your teeth. To ensure that the archwire is not noticeable, a frosted or white wire can be used. In addition, the elastic bands that are selected can be translucent or white.

Can clear braces correct the same alignment issues as traditional metal braces?

In the past, ceramic brackets were not as strong as they are nowadays. As a result, less alignment pressure was used with ceramic braces to avoid damaging the brackets. Nowadays, clear braces are much stronger and often offer the same alignment force as conventional metal braces. Thus, you can be confident that the ceramic brackets will not delay or negatively modify your results. Even bite problems can be corrected effectively.

What happens if a ceramic bracket is broken?

Ceramic brackets are quite strong but are still more brittle than metal brackets. If a ceramic bracket breaks or becomes damaged, there is no need to fret. It can be quickly and easily replaced.

Why are clear braces sometimes selected instead of plastic aligners?

Although plastic aligners, such as those used for Invisalign, offer great discretion during your treatment process, they are often unable to correct severe alignment and bite problems. Clear braces can handle difficult alignment issues without significantly altering your appearance during treatment. In addition, clear braces can be used by people of all ages, but clear plastic aligners are usually only prescribed for teens and adults. In order to be effective, most aligners can only be used for a patient whose palate has already finished growing. As a result, kids and young teens may not be suitable candidates.

Clear braces are also a better option for people who may fail to wear their plastic aligners consistently. To provide adequate aligning force, plastic aligners cannot be left out of the mouth for more than a couple of hours per day. Clear braces are put in place by your orthodontist and remain in position until he or she removes them.

Can clear and metal braces be paired during the same treatment?

Clear braces are certainly not the most costly orthodontic option, but they are a bit more expensive than their metal counterparts. To lower the cost of your treatment, your orthodontist may place clear brackets on the teeth that are easily seen when you talk or smile and use metal brackets for the remainder of your teeth. With this option, you pay a bit less than you would for a complete set of ceramic brackets but still enjoy the aesthetic advantages of clear braces.

There are multiple alignment applications available for people who require orthodontic correction. However, many of these options are easily seen when applied to the teeth. Clear braces combine the advantages of discretion and effective alignment. If your teeth are misaligned, clear braces may offer you a way to feel more confident as you have your teeth properly positioned.

To learn more about clear braces and determine whether or not they are right for you, contact our office for a consultation.


Best Oral Hygiene Practices

Most people prefer to keep their natural teeth throughout their entire lifetime. However, teeth that are not cared for properly may eventually become so decayed that they require extraction. In addition, poor hygienic practices may result in advanced stages of gum disease that can cause teeth to become loose within their sockets. Nevertheless, there are things that you can do to help ensure that your teeth and gums stay healthy. Here are some of the best dental hygiene practices that you can perform to maintain your oral health:

Brush regularly.

Although you may have heard it a hundred times from your dentist, brushing regularly is important. Your toothbrush is specially designed to sweep plaque from the surfaces in your oral cavity. Since plaque is continually developing in your mouth, it must be removed regularly to prevent it from damaging your teeth.

Plaque is made up of particles of food that are mixed with oral bacteria. The biofilm that is created by the bacteria makes the plaque so sticky that it remains attached to your teeth and gums until it is removed.

Plaque can be particularly harmful to the teeth because the bacteria in it release acid that causes tooth decay. Since the plaque is in direct contact with your tooth enamel, the acid is not diluted. Over time, the acid dissolves the minerals in your tooth enamel and causes cavities to form. It also irritates your gums, resulting in inflammation that can progress to gum disease.

Plaque can be quickly removed using a soft-bristled toothbrush, but it is important to brush long enough to clear away the material. You should brush twice a day for at least two minutes, being sure to clean all of the exposed surfaces that your toothbrush can reach.

Floss daily.

Flossing helps ensure that areas of your teeth that your toothbrush is unable to reach can still be cleaned. You can choose from waxed or unwaxed string floss.  There are even different flavors available, such as mint or cinnamon flavors, for a refreshing boost during your flossing sessions.

Although string floss is inexpensive, effective and the best way to clean between your teeth, water flossing is also an option for effective plaque removal. Oral irrigators use a concentrated stream of water to flush away plaque and debris from between the teeth and along the gumline.

If you choose water flossing, some irrigators have options that allow you to vary the intensity and pulsation of the water stream. Thus, you can give your gums a great massage as you clear away plaque.

Avoid smoking and chewing tobacco.

Smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco can have a detrimental effect on your teeth and gums. Irritants within the tobacco can cause gum irritation and make it easier for oral infections to develop. In addition, people who use tobacco are at an increased risk for oral cancer.

Tobacco usage is also associated with a greater number of complications during dental procedures, such as dental implant restoration failures. Smoking delays wound healing by irritating tissues, reducing blood oxygen levels and impairing circulation.

If you are used to using tobacco and are having trouble finding something else to do with your mouth, consider chewing gum to replace. Chewing a stick of sugarless gum can help clean your teeth and gums as it keeps your mouth busy. Varieties that are sweetened with xylitol can even help get rid of damaging bacteria in your mouth.

Limit soda consumption.

Due to their acidity and sugar content, sodas can cause multiple oral health problems. Simple sugar is a favorite food of the microbes in your mouth. Also, the acid in the soda corrodes your teeth like bacterial acid. Even if you’ve decided to only consume diet sodas, you are still placing your teeth in jeopardy due to the high levels of acid in the drinks.

Instead of sodas, it is best to drink water. The water dilutes acid instead of adding to it. In addition, drinking water is often fluoridated. The fluoride in the water helps remineralize your teeth and make it less susceptible to damage from oral acids.

Visit your dentist.

Even if you are following a great oral hygiene regimen at home, there are some things that only your dentist can do. For instance, your dentist scrapes away tartar, which cannot be removed with a toothbrush or floss. Special dental tools are required.

Your dentist can also help recognize problems early enough to provide treatments that help you avoid tooth loss. Be sure to schedule an appointment with your dentist at least once every six months.





How Oral Hygiene Affects Overall Health

You already know that brushing your teeth, keeping up with flossing, and visiting your dentist for regular cleanings is essential for keeping your gums and teeth healthy. However, you may not know that good oral hygiene affects your overall health as well.

The Connection Between Oral Hygiene and Your Overall Health

The mouth is full of bacteria, and most of the bacteria are harmless. Good oral hygiene, including regular flossing and brushing, and your body’s natural defenses help to keep bacteria under control within the mouth. However, if you’re not doing a good job with routine oral hygiene, the bacteria in the mouth can reach levels that have the ability to result in oral infections, including gum disease and tooth decay.

Oral bacteria, as well as the inflammation that comes with periodontitis, which is a very severe type of gum disease, may play a role in the development of certain diseases. Some diseases also have the ability to lower your body’s resistance to infection, resulting in more severe oral health problems.

Health Conditions Linked to Oral Hygiene and Health

Your oral hygiene habits and overall oral health have the ability to contribute to a variety of different conditions and diseases, such as:

  • Heart Disease – Researchers have found evidence suggesting that strokes, heart disease, and clogged arteries may be linked to infections and inflammation caused by oral bacteria. While the reason for this link isn’t clear, studies have shown that individuals who have periodontal disease have a 19% higher risk of developing heart disease.
  • Endocarditis – Endocarditis, an infection that takes place in the heart’s inner lining, known as the endocardium, generally takes place when bacteria from another area of the body gets into the bloodstream. It can come from areas of the body like the mouth, attaching to areas of the heart that have been damaged.
  • Respiratory Illnesses – Breathing in tooth plaque has the ability to result in bacteria from your mouth getting into the lungs. This may result in pneumonia or other types of respiratory disease. For individuals who already deal with chronic lung conditions, bacteria that gets into the airways can make these conditions worse.
  • Pregnancy and Birth – Pregnant women who have periodontal disease have a much greater risk of preterm birth, and it’s thought that the immune response to these infections may be a trigger of preterm labor. Periodontitis has also been linked to low birth rates.
  • Diabetes – Gum disease is a complication of diabetes. Diabetes has the ability to change blood vessels, impairing blood flow, which weakens gums, resulting in an increased risk of infection. Since diabetes increases blood glucose levels, failing to manage these levels may result in higher levels of bacterial growth within the mouth.
  • Knee Arthritis – One study actually suggested that some cases of knee arthritis, may be linked to oral bacteria. The synovial fluid of the knee joints was tested in individuals with knee arthritis, and several patients had gum bacteria and oral bacteria in their joint fluid. When bacteria from the mouth reaches the joints, it may make arthritis worse.

Protecting Oral and Overall Health with Good Oral Hygiene

Since there is a link between oral hygiene and your overall health, it’s important to protect your health by practicing good oral hygiene daily. Here are some oral hygiene steps you can take each day to keep your oral and overall health protected.

  • Make sure you brush your teeth a minimum of twice daily using a fluoride toothpaste (unless otherwise recommended by your dentist)
  • Take time to floss at least once a day
  • Remember to replace your toothbrush once every 3-4 months, or even sooner if the bristles on your toothbrush become frayed
  • Avoid using tobacco products
  • Eat a healthy diet, working to limit the snacks you have between meals
  • Schedule routine dental cleanings and checkups at least every six months

If you have any oral health problems, make sure you contact your dentist right away. Caring for your oral health and engaging in good oral hygiene daily is an investment, not only in your oral health, but in your overall health as well. If you haven’t had a routine dental cleaning and dental checkup for a while, contact your general dentist provider’s office to schedule your follow up appointment today.


  • http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/dental/art-20047475
  • http://www.colgate.com/en/us/oc/oral-health/conditions/gum-disease/article/how-poor-dental-care-can-affect-your-overall-health-0313
  • http://www.livescience.com/40195-oral-health-body.html

Is Early Orthodontic Treatment Worth It?


The benefits of early orthodontic treatment for certain dental conditions has led to an increase in the number of elementary-aged children receiving braces. Although early orthodontic treatment is not necessary for every dental issue that requires braces, parents who are not sure whether early orthodontic treatment will be beneficial to their child should contact Valderrama Orthodontics to schedule their child a complimentary consultation.

Multi-Phase Orthodontics – Explained

Phase One

When a two-phase approach is necessary, Phase One typically involves addressing issues like overcrowding, jaw development and problems related to the child’s bite, which are frequently addressed using space maintainers, partial braces and expanders.

  • Partial braces – during early orthodontic intervention, partial braces move teeth that are spaced, rotated or misaligned. These partial braces generally consist of four to six brackets that may be placed on the lower and/or upper front teeth.
  • Palatal expanders – an expander is used to address crowded teeth and crossbites. In addition, an expander can prevent uneven jaw growth. The expander widens the bone, which, in turn, changes the shape of the bone itself as well as the position of the teeth. A palatal expander provides the best results when it is placed while the child’s jaw is still in its developmental stage. This appliance is custom designed to fit on the child’s upper teeth. The bone at the roof of the mouth expands as the ‘screw-like’ device is turned at regular intervals during this phase of treatment. On average, an expander is worn for six months.


After Phase One is complete, there is a pause in treatment: This pause allows the child’s permanent teeth to grow in.

Phase Two

Phase Two usually begins around the age of 13 and involves the placement of upper, and lower braces. Phase Two is designed to align all of the permanent teeth.

Which Dental Conditions Require Multi-Phase Orthodontic Treatments?

Guidelines set forth by the American Association of Orthodontics indicates which dental issues are best addressed through early intervention.

Some of these conditions include:

  • overcrowding of the teeth;
  • late loss/early loss of baby teeth;
  • narrow jaws; as well as
  • discrepancies related to the child’s jaw sizes (i.e., underbite, overbite and crossbite).

At What Age Should a Child be Evaluated by an Orthodontist?

According to the American Association of Orthodontists, a child should receive an orthodontic evaluation by the time he or she reaches the age of 7. By bringing your child to Dr. Natalia Valderrama early on, she can detect subtle problems related to emerging teeth and jaw growth.

Are There Any Tell-Tale Signs That a Child Needs Early Orthodontic Treatment?

There are some signs that indicate a child needs early orthodontic treatment.

These signs include, the child:

  • has overcrowding of his or her front teeth (at 7 or 8 years of age);
  • lost his or her baby teeth too late/too early;
  • has upper and lower jaws that close improperly (outside or inside of one another);
  • frequently breathes through his or her mouth;
  • has difficulty biting and chewing properly;
  • sucks his or her thumb (after turning 5);
  • has protruding teeth; and/or
  • has a speech impediment.

Early treatment allows Dr. Natalia Valderrama to:   

  • guide the growth of the jaw and the permanent teeth;
  • correct oral habits affecting the child’s teeth;
  • improve the way the child’s lips meet;
  • lower the risk of trauma occurring to protruding front teeth; and
  • improve the child’s appearance.

The After-School Program at Valderrama Orthodontics

An early orthodontic evaluation provides your child with the best chance of a healthy, beautiful smile. Dr. Valderrama knows that each patient is unique, which is why she creates a treatment plan designed specifically for your child. Furthermore, Dr. Valderrama considers each of her patients as part of the Valderrama family. For this reason, she has implemented an After-School Program: This program aims to provide assistance to parents whose children require ongoing orthodontic treatments. Enrolling your child(ren) in the After-School Program allows for a member of Dr. Valderrama’s team to pick your child up from school and bring him or her to the office for a prescheduled orthodontic appointment. This provides parents some leniency because they can come to the office before, after or during their child’s appointment.

Valderrama Orthodontics is located in Melbourne, Florida. Dr. Natalia Valderrama offers a variety of orthodontic services to children, teens and adults. Services include early orthodontic treatment, clear braces, traditional braces, retainers, clear aligners, lingual braces and mouth guards (sports). If you are looking for an experienced, skilled and caring orthodontist, look no further: Dr. Natalia Valderrama and her staff are dedicated to providing patients in and around Melbourne, Florida, with the excellent orthodontic care they deserve. Contact the office today at 321-544-4127 to schedule a complimentary consultation.