Braces, Bullying, and Beautiful Smiles

Bullying and Braces

Standing out can be difficult as a child. You can probably remember back when you were a kid and how other children might react to someone who looked different from everyone else. So you can understand why your child might be a bit hesitant when it comes to getting braces. 

The good news is that braces have come a long way since you were a child. It’s easier than ever before to straighten teeth and to give your young one a perfect, beautiful smile. If your child is struggling with the idea of wearing braces, here are some tips to help them through the initial process.

Talk To Them

Above everything else, talk to your child. Ask them how they are feeling and what is making them nervous. Perhaps there are other children at school who already have braces, so they already know what it might look like and how others treat them. Openly talking to them about it and getting their perspective goes a long way. They will feel better by simply opening up to you. From there, you can help address some insecurities they might have about wearing braces. 

Reassure them that this is only temporary and that it even helps them adopt a healthier oral care routine once they finish the orthodontic treatment. Always give them words of encouragement. Clear ceramic braces, Invisalign, and lingual braces are just a few additional options that they could consider outside of traditional metal braces. Knowing there are more conspicuous ways to straighten their teeth might make them feel more comfortable with new braces.

Different Braces Options

Perhaps your child is nervous about the overall size of the braces and how they look. There are some options available that keep the metal and brackets to a minimum or invisible altogether. Invisalign, for example, is one of the best options for straightening teeth and is almost completely unnoticeable. These are clear mouthpieces that slip over the teeth, almost like a mouth guard, but without the bulk. Find out if you would be a good candidate for clear aligners here.

If your child needs the traditional metal wiring to correct their teeth, there are other options available in our office. You might want to consider invisible braces. These braces have clear connectors, so it blends better with the look of the teeth. 

Tom Cruise even had these kinds of braces after he became a big-time movie star, so if your child is still worried about braces, you can go through all the great celebrities who have had braces as well. Some of the celebrities who have had braces? Angelina Jolie, Prince Harry, Emma Watson, and Kendall Jenner.

Reward Your Child

After going through the initial fittings for braces and returning home with braces it can be a little strange for your child. Their teeth will feel odd, and they’ll constantly be running their tongue over the new braces. You should reward your child for a job well done. Perhaps offer them a milkshake for dinner. This way it won’t cause any pain on their teeth (which may very well be sensitive with the tightened braces). Spoiling them a little bit won’t be a bad thing early on, and it will help their mouths adjust to having braces.

Walk Away From Bullies

There might be a bully or two at school. However, talk to your child and tell them the best thing they can do is to walk away. The bullying won’t last, especially as there are other children who have braces on now (or who have previously had braces). So it’s not something that will affect your child for long. But make sure your child knows they can always talk to you about what’s going on in school. 

Your Child’s Smile Is Our Top Priority

When you want the best smile for your child, you need to make sure you go to the best child orthodontist here in the area. So whether you’re looking for Invisalign, affordable braces, or clear ceramic braces, you’ll find everything right here with our staff at Valderrama Orthodontics. Whether you’re new to the area, have been recommended, or have been looking around for the right orthodontist, now is the perfect time to give our staff a call! 321.425.5050



Can Braces Help TMJ?  

TMJ Pain In Mouth

Do you have TMJ disease (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder), which is sometimes referred to as TMJD? Temporomandibular joint disorder can be caused by several things as rheumatoid arthritis, cysts, trauma, tumors in the joint, bone or cartilage problems, misalignments with your teeth that can put uneven pressure on your jaw, etc, resulting in the temporomandibular joint being sore, stiff, and sometimes even crack, pop and lock. Our orthodontist can help you with your TMJ by examining your bite and the alignment of your teeth to determine if orthodontics would help you indirectly get some relief on your muscles of mastication and joint.

Causes of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder that May Require Braces to Alleviate

TMJD causes pain and soreness in the jaw, facial pain, pain in the ears, and difficulty opening and closing the mouth. This can make eating and talking difficult. Temporomandibular joint disorder can be caused by a variety of factors including arthritis, jaw dislocation, an injury to the jaw or face, stress, bruxism, problems with tooth, or jaw alignment.

If your TMJD is caused by a misalignment with the teeth or jaw, such as an under, over, or crossbite, teeth that are crooked, crowded, or too long or short in relation to the surrounding teeth, it can create uneven pressure on your jaw and affect the TM joints. Additional symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder can include headaches, jaw and ear discomfort, pain in the neck, upper back, or shoulders.

How Braces Help with TMJ in Rockledge, Viera, Suntree, and Melbourne

If your TMJ is caused by an alignment problem with your teeth or jaw, braces like Invisalign, Clear Correct, traditional braces, lingual braces, and clear aligners can help. As your jaw and teeth alignment problems are corrected, you’ll notice less jaw pain and less jaw locking, which means you’ll be able to chew and talk better.

Diagnosing TMJ and the Need for Invisible braces for Adults

Before our orthodontist prescribes braces, other factors must be ruled out. This includes arthritis and severe jaw alignment problems that may require surgical intervention. If our orthodontist determines that you would benefit from traditional or invisible braces, we will discuss these options with you:

  • Traditional Braces – Traditional metal braces that are affixed to the front of your teeth. Great for correcting severe overbites, underbites, and crossbites, as well as crooked or improperly gapped teeth.
  • Clear Braces – Ceramic braces that are either clear or tooth-colored. Corrects the same problems as traditional braces, just less noticeable.
  • Lingual Braces – Silver-colored metal braces that are affixed to the back of the teeth. Used to correct tooth and jaw alignment problems.
  • Invisalign – Clear removable aligners that can correct mild to moderate crossbites, overbites and underbites as well as improperly spaced and crooked teeth.
  • Suresmile– Clear removable aligners, like Invisalign, that help correct bite problems and tooth alignment problems

Seeing an Orthodontist

Our orthodontist, Dr. Natalia Valderrama, can help determine if you need braces in order to help with your temporomandibular joint disorder. We can take digital x-rays of your teeth and jaw and perform an examination of your mouth and the supporting structures. This helps us determine if there are any problems with the alignment of your teeth or if your jaw that could be putting extra stress on your temporomandibular joint. In severe cases of TMJD, Dr. V will refer you to a TMJ specialist,  who is a dentist that has been in a University for at least 1 year formally learning everything about the joints and treating patients with the Disorder. Usually, they request an MRI and CT scan of the TMJ’s and properly diagnose your problem before treating it. The treatment can range from simply alleviating the symptoms (pain, muscle spasms) to in some severe cases surgery.

If you are a good candidate for braces or Invisalign, our orthodontist Dr. Valderrama will explain the benefits and drawbacks of each type of tooth alignment orthodontic appliance so you can make an informed decision on what would be best for you and your lifestyle. Most adults choose clear aligning trays,, since they are removable and do not limit the types of food you can eat.

To learn more about how we can help you with your TMJ symptoms and to learn more about all the ways you can straighten your teeth, give Dr. Valderrama and her team a call at 321-425-5050.


Life After Braces: What To Expect  

Do you know what to expect after you get your braces off or complete your last day of teeth straightening with your clear aligners? Once you complete your teeth straightening treatment, it’s important to maintain your straight teeth by wearing a retainer. Our orthodontist Dr. Natalia Valderrama at Valderrama Orthodontics can help you choose the right retainer for your lifestyle and your ideal wear schedule.

What to Expect

The day you end your clear braces, clear aligners, or lingual braces treatment your mouth will feel a bit different. It may even take a day or two to adjust your speech. It also means you will no longer have to deal with dietary restrictions due or paying attention to when you eat and how long you wear your clear aligners for. However, that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. You will still need something to retain your teeth a few hours a day so they don’t go back to their old position. 

1. You’ll Need a Retainer

Once you get your braces off or stop wearing your clear aligners, like Invisalign or Suresmile, you’ll have to be fitted for a retainer. Retainers help hold your teeth in place while your jawbone and gums solidify around your new teeth positions. If you don’t wear a retainer, your teeth will start to shift back to their original locations, leading to the need for more teeth straightening procedures in the future.

Fixed Retainers

There are two types of retainers. The first type of retainer is a fixed retainer. These retainers are bonded to your teeth and worn 24 hours a day forever and they are designed to last for years. The reason you may want to consider a fixed retainer is that when you first get your braces off or stop wearing your clear aligning trays, you’ll need to wear a retainer almost 24 hours a day to ensure your teeth do not shift for the first 30 days.

Removable Retainers

Removable retainers can be clear or made from durable colored plastic or composite. These retainers are not fixed to your teeth, and you can remove them for eating and drinking. If you had Invisalign or Suresmile, your retainer wear schedule will be prescribed by Dr. Valderrama depending on your specific needs.

2. You’ll Have to Wear Your Retainer For a Certain Amount of Time Each Day

Directly after your teeth straightening treatments end, you’ll need to wear your retainer for several hours each day. In the beginning, you’ll have to wear your retainer at night and during the day in order to prevent your teeth from immediately starting to shift. The reason for this is because your jaw and the soft tissues that support your teeth won’t be fully adjusted to the new positions of your teeth. As you get increasingly farther from the end of your teeth straightening treatments, you’ll be able to wear your retainer for less time each day. You’ll still need to maintain a retainer wear schedule for the rest of your life in order to maintain your smile.

3. You May Want Additional Treatments, Like Teeth Whitening and Enamel Strengthening

Once you stop wearing your adult braces or Invisalign, you may want to undergo additional treatments, like enamel strengthening and teeth whitening. A good fluoride rinse can help restore enamel after your braces so that you avoid cavities and tooth decay. If your teeth are discolored or slightly yellow, you may want to consider teeth whitening in order to further improve your appearance.

Braces and Beyond

Our orthodontist, Dr. Valderrama, offers many different types of affordable braces that are both visible and invisible. These include traditional metal braces, clear brackets, lingual braces, and now champagne braces!!! and clear aligner trays, including Suresmile and Invisalign for adults. If your teeth are crooked, twisted or improperly gapped, our orthodontist, Dr. V. can help determine which type of braces are right for you. She will also suggest the best type of treatment depending on your lifestyle and current oral health.

To schedule an appointment to see if braces or invisible braces would be right for you, call our office at 321-425-5050 or contact us online here.


Celebrating Dental and Oral Hygiene Month

Oral and Dental Hygiene

How are you celebrating dental hygiene month this year? Dental hygiene month occurs every year in October, and it’s a great month to reevaluate your dental hygiene routine. This is because we tend to eat more sugary foods, snacks, and candy than at any other time of year. Here at Valderrama Orthodontics, our orthodontist, Dr. Natalia Valderrama wants to help you take your dental hygiene to the next level.

Ensuring Good At-Home Oral Hygiene

A healthy mouth, teeth, and gums starts with good at-home oral hygiene. This means choosing the right oral hygiene products for your teeth. Our orthodontist Dr. Natalia Valderrama always recommends choosing toothpaste, toothbrushes, floss, and mouthwash that has the American Dental Association’s (ADA) seal of approval for quality and safety. You may also want to consider using an electric toothbrush instead of a manual toothbrush. This is because electric toothbrushes with rotating and vibrating heads remove more plaque and food particles from the teeth when used correctly. But be very careful to be very gentle since sometimes the vibration and force from electric toothbrushes can brake brackets while you are in orthodontic treatment.

Next, always brush your teeth in the morning and at night before you go to bed for at least three minutes, and concentrate on reaching every surface of your teeth, including the front, back and biting surfaces. If you wear braces or Invisalign, you will also want to brush your teeth after every meal and when drinking anything that isn’t water.

Taking Your Oral Hygiene to the Next Level 

Along with good at-home oral hygiene and regular teeth cleanings by a dentist, you may need to consider straightening your teeth. When most people think about straightening their teeth, they think about improving the quality of their smiles so that they are not embarrassed every time they open their mouths or uncomfortable about the appearance of their teeth in social situations. However, straightening your teeth is about more than simply improving the way your teeth look. It can also improve your oral hygiene and reduce your risk of developing cavities and gum disease, as well as oral infections.

The Oral Hygiene Impact of Crooked and Crowded Teeth

When you have severely crooked, misaligned or crowded teeth, you may find it difficult to reach every surface of your teeth, regardless of how much detail you put into brushing and flossing your teeth. Unfortunately, when you miss areas of your teeth, the plaque on your teeth can turn into tartar and collect along your gum line as well as on your teeth. When tartar collection on your teeth, it results in a yellow hue. When tartar collects along your gum line, it can result in gum inflammation, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. You may even have more cavities than expected when you visit your dentist for regular cleanings.

Improving Oral Hygiene with Braces or Invisalign

Teenagers, as well as adults, can straighten their teeth and improve the effectiveness of their oral hygiene routine with a variety of teeth straightening methods, including Invisalign or Clear Correct, traditional braces, clear ceramic braces, and lingual braces. Here is how they differ: 

  • Traditional Braces – silver-colored metal braces affixed to the front of the teeth and attached with a wire.
  • Clear Ceramic Braces – Clear braces made out of ceramic affixed to the front of the teeth and attached to each other with a metal or white wire.
  • Invisalign and Suresmile – Clear, removable aligning trays that are nearly invisible when worn.
  • Invisalign Teen – Special aligning trays developed for teens that contain a blue wear indicator to ensure they are worn for the proper amount of time each day.
  • Lingual Braces – Metal braces that are attached to the back of the teeth, which are less noticeable than traditional braces.
  • Champagne Braces- New braces available only at Valderrama Orthodontics, gold plated and super nice, less noticeable than silver braces and in totally fashion now!! 

Choosing the Right Way to Straighten Your Teeth

Our Rockledge orthodontist can evaluate the alignment of your jaw and teeth and recommend the right teeth straightening method for your needs. In general, those with mild to moderate teeth alignment problems can use Invisalign, Invisalign Teen or Suresmile. If your problems are more severe and include a severe over, under or crossbite, you may need traditional, clear, champagne or lingual braces.

To learn more about how we can help you straighten your teeth and improve your oral hygiene routine during dental hygiene month this October, contact us online or at 321-425-5050.


Problems In Pre-K: A Tooth Story 

Problems in pre-k

When you think about taking your child to the dentist for the first time, you probably think about scheduling an appointment before their first day of preschool to check for cavities and tooth and jaw development. However, young children should visit their local dentist much sooner than the age of four or five.

In fact,we recommend that children first visit a pediatric dentist no later than six months after the first tooth emerges from the gum, or by the age of seven. From that first appointment, young children should visit their pediatric dentist every six to 12 months in order to ensure the teeth and jaw are healthy and developing correctly. Otherwise, they could experience some major complications. 

Parent’s Role In Tooth Development

As a parent, it’s only natural to want the best for your child. Unfortunately, in today’s busy society, many parents aren’t aware that the foods and drinks they give their children can contribute to cavities and tooth decay. Doing your research before you head to the grocery store could prevent you from choosing sugar-filled snacks and treats. Picking up easy, to-go snacks might sound like a simple solution to curb appetite till lunch or dinner, but snacks like nuts, pretzels, and even dried fruit can cause a cracked or chipped tooth.

Being proactive about preventative dentistry and establishing a morning and nighttime oral health routine can create healthy habits from a young age. When you wake up, a thin, slippery film forms over your teeth, this is known as a biofilm. While biofilm is normal, and almost everyone has experienced it upon waking up, this slimy substance can create dental plaque quickly in children if left on for a prolonged period of time. Be sure to monitor your child’s oral health routine until they are old enough to brush properly and reach all the nooks and crannies. 

Habits That Could Be Harming Your Child

Thumb sucking is a habit that many children do when they are young. While you may think that they will eventually grow out of it, it’s best to deter thumb sucking early on. Typically, thumb sucking is something your child might start doing around six or seven months and can last till they are about two to four years old. It’s best to stop this habit before they turn one to ensure they don’t develop protruding teeth or an overbite. Pacifiers can also leave your child with protruding teeth, it’s best to limit your child’s pacifier use around the age of two and completely eliminating it when they turn four. Young children should visit their local dentist much sooner than the age of four or five. 

Food and Drinks That Contribute to Pediatric Dental Problems 

We aren’t saying you should completely cut out certain foods and drinks to protect your child’s teeth, but you should be limiting the consumption or amount of times your child eats or drinks the following: 

  • Sour or Hard Candy
  • Ice
  • Soda
  • Sugar-Filled Juices
  • Bread Or Heavy Starches
  • Citrus
  • Potato Chips

By limiting the amount of sugar your child consumes, you can ensure that they aren’t doing harm to their bodies and teeth. You can opt for healthier snacks that will prevent your child from getting cracked or chipped teeth, tooth decay, or the need for dental extractions like:

  • Water
  • Celery
  • Apples
  • Cheese
  • Carrots
  • Leafy Greens
  • Tea

Preventing Tooth Problems in Pre-K and Beyond with Valderrama Orthodontics

If you wish to help your child avoid problems down the road, it’s extremely important to schedule your child’s first visit after their first tooth emerges. From that point forward, we recommend scheduling pediatric dental appointments every six months to help keep your child’s teeth clean and to make sure his or her jaw is developing correctly.

Once your child turns seven, it’s important to schedule an appointment with our orthodontist Dr. Natalia Valderrama to evaluate your child’s growth and development and to make sure that the eruption of the permanent dentition is going well. This is especially important if you’ve noticed crooked teeth, crossbites or a protruding upper or lower jaw. Also, if your child has a habit like thumb sucking or tongue thrusting or if you notice mouth breathing, clenching and snoring. With early treatment and orthodontic intervention, your child may be able to avoid braces.  It can also reduce the amount of time they have to wear braces or invisible aligners to straighten their teeth and correct jaw alignment problems.

To schedule your child’s first appointment with our orthodontist, Dr. Valderrama at our Suntree/Viera office, contact us online or give us a call at 321-425-5050 today!


Are The DIY Orthodontics I See On Social Media Safe?  

DIY Orthodontics

DIY orthodontics, like “make your own braces at home,” are currently a worrying trend on some social media platforms. Many kids who are desperate to get a straighter smile attempt these DIY braces using tutorial videos online – and end up with extremely bad results. DIY orthodontics are never safe. Keep reading to find out why.

They Don’t Move Your Teeth The Right Way

Moving your teeth is a complex job because it involves not just the teeth, but also the gums, ligaments, and bone in your jaw. Braces and clear aligners like Invisalign Teen, Clear Correct, Suresmile and other teeth straightening options at Valderrama Orthodontics moves your teeth using highly specific plans designed by expert orthodontist, Dr. Valderrama. Only with extensive and meticulous pre-planning can your teeth move without damaging their underlying structures. When you get braces at Valderrama Orthodontics, the teeth movement is incremental.

However, if you have DIY braces, the movement is often far too forceful and sudden. Teens are using items from around the house to make DIY braces. These include items such as earring posts, fishing line, and super glue. This can certainly bring about tooth movement, but it’s not healthy or safe, and it definitely will cost you more in the long run to correct the problem. Many kids who got DIY orthodontics found themselves with unexpected changes, often making their bite problem far worse than it was to begin with.

When DIY Orthodontics Actually Start Moving Your Teeth

Sometimes, DIY orthodontics also trigger infections, gum disease, and tooth decay. It’s common for the “brackets” or fishing line to shift and get embedded in the gums if you are doing it yourself and aren’t being supervised by an orthodontic specialist. 

If DIY orthodontics actually stay in place, it’s usually because the wearer has used a large amount of highly damaging super glue on their tooth enamel. This can destroy enamel quickly, and has the potential to result in tooth loss eventually. Even worse, when their orthodontic treatment is over, they will have ruined enamel encrusted with super glue and uneven textures. 

Why Some People Turn To DIY Orthodontics 

Many kids only need to wear braces, Invisalign, Clear Correct, or lingual braces for around one to two years total. If you wait until adulthood to straighten your teeth, the cost might be higher because you might need to wear them longer. 

Some young people say that they tried DIY orthodontics because they don’t have the money to get braces, Invisalign, or Clear Correct. As a parent, you might think that paying for braces is impossible right now, but you might not know about all your options. Find out if you’d be a good candidate for clear aligners here

Determining Damage Done By DIY Orthodontics

Be sure to caution your child about the dangers of DIY orthodontics. They might see examples of DIY braces online and think it’s a great new trend, never realizing the serious harm that could come from it.

First, it’s important to schedule an initial consultation with your orthodontist, Dr. Valderrama, about exactly what your child actually needs in terms of bite correction. All initial consultations and dental record reviews are free. 

Dr. Valderrama’s main priority is preventative dentistry and helping to prevent problems before they start to save you time, money, and headaches down the road. She works with many insurance providers to be able to provide you with caring, compassionate dental care with your kid’s best interest in mind. 

If you can’t afford to pay for braces all at once, there are affordable financing options available that might suit your family’s budget perfectly.

Straightening Your Smile Without DIY Orthodontics

In the end, DIY orthodontics can cost you a lot more money than they’ll save you. If your child attempts DIY orthodontics, the odds of serious and lasting tooth, gum, and bone damage are very high. Correcting those problems could take many years of intensive and highly complex orthodontic care.

Valderrama Orthodontics is a Melbourne, Florida orthodontic care provider serving patients of all ages. From early treatment to preteen orthodontic evaluations all the way to braces for adults, Dr. Valderrama and the team are here to help you and your family get the very best orthodontic care. Get in touch using the online messaging system, or call the office at 321.425. 5050  to book your orthodontic consultation today!


Am I A Good Candidate For Clear Aligners?  

Clear Aligners

Are you considering straightening your teeth, but are hesitant because you don’t want a mouth full of metal? Today’s teeth straightening procedures have evolved past metal brackets and wires to clear aligners. These are virtually invisible and can be taken out to eat, drink, and for important social occasions, like interviews and first dates.

How Clear Aligners Work

Clear aligners work by straightening your teeth in stages. You will receive several aligners that are meant to be worn for about two weeks. They work fastest when they are worn 20 hours a day, preferably 22 hours a day. This means you will have to wear them while sleeping. At the end of each two week period, you’ll move to the next aligner in your series. Of course, it depends on how your treatment plan is structured and how fast your teeth respond to the aligners. 

Most teens and adults can expect treatment to last between 18 months and 2 years, which is similar to traditional braces. You’ll also see your orthodontist usually about every eight weeks in order to check on your progress. 

Good Candidates for Invisalign

Invisalign offers two products; Invisalign and Invisalign Teen. Teen is geared for teens, while Invisalign is used for adults. In general, Invisalign is designed to correct crooked teeth, crowded teeth, inconsistently gapped teeth, underbites, and overbites that are being caused by teeth that slant inward or outward. While everyone might not be a good candidate, the following people are:

You Had Braces as a Teen and Your Teeth Started to Move Again

If you had braces as a teenager but your teeth look like they are starting to shift again due to lack of wearing your retainer, you are a good candidate for clear aligners. In many instances, individuals got braces during high school, worn their retainers for a few years, and stopped wearing them because their teeth looked great. Usually, this results in the teeth starting to shift back to their previous positions. Clear aligners can help straighten teeth that moved.

You’ve Developed an Under, Over, or Crossbite that’s Cause by Slanted Teeth

Teeth that protrude into the mouth and toward the lips can create underbites, overbites, and crossbites that affect your ability to chew food. You may even frequently bite the insides of your mouth. Invisalign or ClearCorrect can help shift the teeth so that they are completely vertical.

Your Teeth Are Crowded, Gapped, or Crooked

These aligners work to correct teeth that are crowded, inconsistently gapped, and crooked. Teeth that suffer from these issues can be hard to clean properly, leading to an over-abundance of cavities and instances of gum disease. These clear appliances can help move the teeth to their proper locations and make-at-home oral hygiene easier.

What Happens If I’m Not a Good Candidate for Invisalign?

Severe underbites, overbites, and other issues, like cavities and gum disease, may need additional treatments before undergoing Invisalign. If your case is extremely severe, clear braces or lingual braces may be recommended by your orthodontist that may prove to be a better option. This way, you’ll still be able to achieve a nearly invisible orthodontic treatment plan while still achieving straighter teeth. 

Lingual braces are a great option for those who don’t make a good candidate for Invisalign. These braces go on the inside of your teeth and are virtually invisible. Only you and your orthodontist will be able to tell that you’re wearing braces. Clear braces are another great alternative. These braces are comparable to the traditional braces you may be familiar with seeing, but these come in a clear form. 

Find Out If You’d Make A Good Candidate For Clear Aligners

Before finding out if you are a good candidate, you will want to come in for an initial consultation and dental digital records. During this visit, our orthodontist will examine your mouth, look for cavities and signs of gum disease, or other problems that may need to be corrected prior to getting your clear aligners. If there are no problems, Dr. Valderrama will make a diagnosis and a treatment plan with the 3D digital images of your teeth and send the images and paperwork to the laboratory so that your clear aligners can be custom created. 

Once they arrive, Dr. Valderrama will schedule another appointment to explain the treatment plan to you. Afterward, you will wear your aligners between 20 and 22 hours a day, switching aligners about every two weeks and receiving follow-up appointments every six to eight weeks.

At Valderrama Orthodontics, we offer Invisalign, Invisalign Teen, Suresmile and ClearCorrect for adults and teenagers. If we determine that you are not a good fit for these clear appliances, there is no reason to leave disappointed or frustrated. Dr. Valderrama can offer you an orthodontic treatment plan, like lingual or clear braces, that can give you the same result, with little to no impact on your smile. 

Ready to start the summer with a smile you’ll love forever? Contact Dr. Valderrama Today To at 321-425-5050 to Schedule Your Initial Consultation!

The Value of Prevention Dentistry and Orthodontics  

children dentist

You probably know that you should take your infant to see a general dentist as soon as his or her first tooth erupts. But, did you know you should also schedule a prevention dentistry appointment with an orthodontist for early treatment before the time your child reaches seven years old?

Having early orthodontic treatment can correct many problems you may not necessarily associate with teeth alignment. Maintaining good oral health – including the overall alignment of your teeth – can prevent many problems that can follow your child into adulthood.

The Consequences of Not Seeing An Orthodontist for Prevention Dentistry

There are many causes and reasons why an airway can be obstructed. This can cause snoring as well as breathing problems both in childhood and as an adult. As a result of an obstructed airway many malocclusions can develop in the future. An orthodontist can evaluate, identify and help correct some of these problems early so your child does not develop worse orthodontic problems later in life. In many cases, correcting those causes will also decrease or eliminate clenching, snoring and other breathing issues that occur during sleep.

Overcrowded teeth could be another consequence of not seeing an orthodontist early on. An overcrowded mouth makes it difficult to floss properly, which can lead to restorative treatment for cavities, gum disease, fillings, crowns, and even root canals.

Teeth that aren’t aligned properly don’t bite together correctly. When teeth don’t have the right “bite,” the teeth can wear badly, causing long-term damage to the enamel. Since enamel protects the outer layer of your teeth, it’s imperative to keep it intact, as it does not grow back once the damage is done.

Avoid Costly Procedures and Painful Treatments In the Future

Your child may still have some baby teeth, and yes, you may not think your child needs a lot of orthodontic treatment. However, getting started at a young age will keep many issues from occurring, which can be costly and painful to address later in life.

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends children be evaluated by an orthodontist by the age of seven. Some parents even hold off on considering orthodontic treatment until puberty, which can affect their dental development.

Even if the child still has baby teeth, he or she should have some permanent teeth in place. That’s why at Valderrama Orthodontics, we recommend starting early orthodontic treatment as soon as we identify those problems that can be corrected by early intervention.

Getting your child in early can help prevent his oral health from negatively affecting other parts of his body. Additionally, many parents will seek treatments like speech therapy to help improve a child’s speech. When in actuality, the problem that is causing the speech impediment may be due to a simple anatomical oral problem, like a short lingual frenum or enlarged tonsils or an obstructed airway.

Address Issues Needing Immediate Correction and Discover Which Ones Can Wait

An orthodontist can assess your child’s developing teeth and jaws. The records gathered in this first consultation visit will help determine your child’s dental and orthodontic treatment for the future. If you have a particular concern about your child’s developing mouth, you can certainly see us sooner than the recommended age of seven.

Preventative orthodontic treatment includes many of the same aspects of teen and adult orthodontic treatment plans. Treatment may call for fixed or removable appliances that move the teeth, change the position of the jaw, or hold your child’s teeth in place. Some baby teeth may also be removed to help permanent teeth come in straighter and easier.

Following the orthodontic evaluation, one of three things will occur.

  • Your child will need treatment immediately by our orthodontist Dr. Natalia Valderrama or by another provider that she will refer you to.
  • Your child will need treatment at some point in the future and Dr. Valderrama will follow up the development of your child with future periodic visits.
  • Your child will likely not need orthodontic treatment.

If treatment is recommended, we have a variety of tools and services that can help treat overbites, underbites, crowding, missing teeth, and congenital problems with the jaw or teeth.

Treatment Options

Preventative dentistry and orthodontics are aimed to help you educate and inform your children about the importance of oral health, and how it impacts your entire body.

Along with clear aligners like Invisalign, Suresmile, and  ClearCorrect, Valderrama Orthodontics also offers Incognito lingual braces, which sit on the back of the teeth and are essentially invisible when you smile.  

Have questions about the importance of preventative orthodontic treatment and dentistry? Dr. Valderrama offers complimentary consultations, record reviews, and customized treatment plans, regardless of your insurance. Dr. Valderrama’s goal is to help prevent problems before they begin to exist. Take care of your little one’s oral health at an early age!

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Choosing an Orthodontic Treatment That is Right for Your Child

Orthodontic Girl

The days of only having one option for orthodontic treatment are a thing of the past. Currently, there are half a dozen different options available. Valderrama Orthodontics understands how having so many different treatment options to choose from can make preparing for braces stressful.

To help relieve some of your stress, we have created a comprehensive guide that explains the various types of orthodontic treatment options. While this guide won’t help you make a final decision, it will help you better understand what options you have available to you.

An Overview of the Different Types of Orthodontic Treatment Appliances Available

On a very basic level, all early orthodontic treatment options are designed to improve your child’s smile, prevent future problems, and intervene before their smile gets worse. They will all shift or move their teeth to a new position. The difference between them is the type of braces or aligners (appliances) your orthodontist uses to make the treatment work. This includes how they work, the type of maintenance that is involved, and what problems they can correct.

The different types of orthodontic treatment appliances that are available to your child include:

  • Traditional braces – these are the ones that include the metal wires, colorful brackets bonded to the teeth, and sometimes rubber bands.
  • Ceramic braces – these are similar to traditional braces, but instead of using brackets and wires that are visible, they use clear-translucent brackets to make it less noticeable.
  • Clear aligner trays (like Invisalign) – using a series of customized clear aligner trays that can be quickly and easily removed, your teeth are shifted and moved to their new position.

The Type of Problems that are Corrected with Each Orthodontic Appliance Option

The biggest factor that will determine what type of orthodontic appliance is right for your child is what types of problems need to be corrected. The following are some examples of what types of problems each orthodontic treatment appliance corrects:

  • Invisalign – can help shift teeth back to their proper position, close gaps and help with overcrowding. However, cannot help with issues that involve alignment of the jaw, as the aligner trays do not correct the placement of the jaw.
  • Metal or clear braces – can help with all types of orthodontic problems including anything that involves jaw or bite issues. These braces are often recommended for severe orthodontic problems where the teeth need to be moved large distances or when the teeth need to be rotated.

Responsibility and Commitment Play a Huge Role in Which Orthodontic Treatment Appliance to Choose

Undergoing orthodontic treatment is a huge commitment for both you and your child. You have to attend all ongoing orthodontic appointments every six to eight weeks. Additionally, your child must make a commitment to regularly floss and brush their teeth, gums, and other orthodontic devices.

Some things to consider include:

  • Busy lifestyle – If your child takes part in a lot of activities and cannot commit to regular office appointments, you may want to look into Invisalign, which has fewer office appointments and brushing and flossing are easier.
  • Unable to follow through with instructions – if your child tends to be forgetful, it may be better to go with a more fixed orthodontic treatment, such as traditional braces or ceramic braces. These treatment options cannot be removed which reduces the likelihood that your child will lose their orthodontic device or forget to change the Invisalign trays out.

Regardless of which orthodontic treatment is chosen, you will still need to stress to your child the importance of keeping appointments. If appointments are not kept, orthodontic treatment can be delayed. That means you have to wear braces or aligner trays longer than expected.

Work with an Orthodontist to Find the Best Treatment for Your Child

Even if they have their heart set on a specific type of treatment plan, it may not be right for them. By working closely with Dr. Natalia Valderrama orthodontist,  you will be able to learn more about the different options and find out which one will be able to get your child the results. 

A trusted Orthodontist, like Dr. Valderrama, will also help make sure that whatever orthodontic treatment appliance is chosen won’t interfere with your child’s favorite activities, hobbies, or day-to-day life.

Contact the office of Valderrama Orthodontics today to schedule an orthodontic treatment consultation. Our orthodontic consultations include an oral exam, digital x-rays, and a one-on-one private consultation to find the best plan for your child.

How Puberty Affects Your Dental Development  

Smiling Braces

At the onset of puberty, your body will be going through a lot of physical and emotional changes. What you may not realize is that in addition to these changes, you are also experiencing changes to your oral and dental health.

Learn more about some of the changes you will experience during the onset of puberty.

Healthy Gums May Start to Bleed or Become Extremely Sensitive

Before puberty, your gums may have been a nice, healthy pink color and they will rarely bleed. That all changes once puberty starts.

Once puberty begins, you may start to experience symptoms of gum disease. When you brush or floss, you may start to notice your gums bleed and you may experience some pain, sensitivity, and discomfort. You may also notice that your nice, healthy pink gums now have a bright red, swollen appearance.

These gum problems happen as a result of the hormonal changes you are experiencing. The increase of very specific types of hormones to the body results in the growth of bacteria that causes gum disease.

Permanent Teeth Have Usually Fully Developed

The start of puberty often coincides with when your permanent teeth fully grow in. If your permanent teeth are properly aligned and don’t appear overcrowded, you may not experience a problem. However, if the teeth grew in crooked or misaligned, it can cause a number of problems.

Some problems that can develop as a result include:

  • Issues with confidence and self-esteem – you may feel self-conscious if your teeth do not appear “normal” and they look like they are shifted, misaligned, or crooked.
  • Issues with speaking – misaligned teeth or improper jaw alignment can cause you to experience difficulty pronouncing words or speaking.
  • Problems with eating or chewing – this can cause you to experience problems if you need to eat around friends or other people as you may be self-conscious about the problems you have biting.
  • Oral health problems – cavities, bad breath, or missing teeth can all happen as a result of food becoming stuck between misaligned teeth. Even if you get all the food unstuck from between your teeth, overlapped or crooked teeth can make it difficult for you to properly clean your teeth. This can result in dental problems forming, even if you brush and floss regularly.

How to Prevent Dental Problems from Occurring During Puberty

Most of the dental problems you start to experience during puberty can be corrected. Some of the ways you can prevent these dental problems from occurring include:

  • Brushing your teeth at least three times a day
  • Flossing daily
  • Learning proper tooth brushing and flossing techniques
  • Using the right toothbrush – a soft bristled toothbrush
  • Scheduling regular dental checkups every three to six months
  • Following through with any recommended dental treatments
  • Getting a professional dental cleaning three to six months
  • Mentioning any current dental problems to your dentist
  • Scheduling a consultation with an orthodontist to see if there are any development problems that could be corrected with orthodontic treatment
  • Using a toothpaste that is designed for tooth sensitivity can help with any issues caused by hormonal changes

Some in-office treatment options that may be recommended to help with any dental issues caused by puberty include:

  • Fluoride treatments
  • Fillings of any cavities that formed
  • Professional dental cleanings
  • Deep cleanings
  • Orthodontic treatment to correct bite and tooth alignment or placement

Schedule a Consultation with Valderrama Orthodontics

Scheduling a consultation with an orthodontist right around the time your child starts puberty is a great idea. This consultation will allow you to see how their teeth and jaw are growing and developing, and help you gain a better understanding of any treatment that may be needed.

Scheduling a consultation during this time can also help make treatment easier as many orthodontic problems are easier to correct in their early stages.

Call the office of Valderrama Orthodontics to schedule an appointment for an orthodontic consultation. Our orthodontist will assess how your teeth and jaw are growing and provide you with treatment recommendations.